

“I absolutely loved my wardrobe session with Helene, I was so taken with how she saw my wardrobe – totally different to me! The particularly amazing thing was how Helene let me see my wardrobe afresh, and, rather than suggest lots of new things, helped me fall back in love with those I already had, and gave me the confidence to wear them! I now love my wardrobe. I’m wearing things that I felt I couldn’t wear, or in fact had bought just because I liked them, but had never even worn. Helene gave me a fun, inventive way to wear and style my existing wardrobe in a natural way with a new fashion spin. 

I actually look forward to getting dressed in the mornings with enthusiasm, and feel so much more confident in my clothes.

It was also great to get a few pointers on my autumn fashion, which would work well with my current wardrobe – I have taken her advice, and now have even more great outfits to wear!!!

I just want to say a big thank you, I would totally recommend Helene to anyone who feels they have lost their way, or just to have a confidence boost by exploring their wardrobe.”

detox & rediscovery

“I had such a great time working with StyleMyWardrobe - so professional and so much fun. I am located in the US and I wasn’t sure how the sessions would work all on a virtual platform but this was no problem. Helene is totally set up to do the sessions virtually and make them just as engaging and user friendly as in person. She also sourced for me items of clothing on sale here,  that would complement my wardrobe as we had discussed. I can highly recommend StyleMyWardrobe and look forward to working with them again the future. Just can’t think why I haven’t done this before!”

remote detox & rediscovery (Washington DC)

“Helene helped me see beyond those few outfits at the front of the wardrobe. To clear out items that had nothing to offer and to really look at what clothes I own.

She gently helped me re-find my style and confidence in what I wear in a way that suits my lifestyle.

I’m left feeling empowered to build numerous outfits from my existing wardrobe as well as enlightened about what to look for when shopping for anything new”.

detox & rediscovery


Helene has a light touch, gently exploring the psychology behind my outfit choices and encouraging me to be confident in wearing what I really want to wear. She approached the whole experience with intelligence and thoughtfulness

The combination of Helene asking insightful questions and really listening to the answers ensured a quick understanding of what I aspired to in terms of upgrading and harmonising my wardrobe. 

6 weeks on and I leave the house every day with a spring in my step...Helene has given me the confidence to wear what I want without fretting about whether it's too smart or overdressed.

I've gone from a daily cycle of jeans and t-shirts to layering textures and swapping in more stylish alternatives without losing the essence of me.

I would thoroughly recommend this experience to anyone. 

detox & rediscovery

“I spent a lovely day with Helene sorting through my wardrobe. I was a bit nervous, but Helene soon put me at ease and was full of good ideas and advice about how to use the contents, some of which I hadn’t worn for years. She also gently encouraged me to discard some clothes, which really I knew I would not wear again – and taking these to the charity shop has been liberating. 

Helene showed insight into my personality, preferences and priorities, which meant that her suggestions were spot on. I also recognised behaviours with regard to my clothing and purchasing habits that I can learn from – and which will stop me wasting money on impulse purchases. 

With Helene’s ideas, I don’t really have to add much to my wardrobe – just reconsider and use what I already have – but I am looking forward to a ‘top-up’ shopping trip with renewed enthusiasm.”

detox & rediscovery


“Working with Helene and Style My Wardrobe has been a revelation.  It has boosted my confidence in so many ways.  Not only have I learned how to wear my clothes better, how to enjoy them fully, I’ve learned that actually I have good taste and my choices are good ones! It was a wonderful feeling getting excited about my wardrobe and looking forward to wearing my clothes.  Helene has shown me new ways to wear old and well loved things, there was no need for any expense in buying new clothes , everything I needed was already there.  

Helene’s discretion and quiet guidance has paid off - I feel more confident and powerful when I step out the door. Thank you so much to  Style My Wardrobe for giving me such a boost.”

detox, reorganisation & rediscovery


“I have always considered myself to have my own sense of style. I like and collect individual pieces in my wardrobe, however, I felt I was losing my way with it as I get older! Wearing the same things (only 20% of my wardrobe) and wondering what to wear for work each morning.

Helene has taken me on a voyage of discovery on how to confidently wear what I have in a different way. I actually have most of what I need, and that was after sending three large bags to charity! I only need to purchase a few basic staple items. Helene has actually saved me money on unnecessary purchases. I also wanted to cut down on my clothes consumerism with labour exploitation and the environment in mind. 

Helene is a master at accessorising and mixing colour pattern and textures to help achieve a unique look that defines who you are. As a woman in my 50's it is important that I don't allow society to start to overlook me! 

I use my mood board to to chose my outfits so no more procrastinating! The extra you also get from Helene is her inspiration to help inspire your own choices too.

It was such a fun few hours. Thank you Helene”.

detox & rediscovery


“Helene was excellent in giving me lots of ideas on how the items in my wardrobe could work in the office environment. Also, I found her very knowledgeable on all the items and styles that are currently popular and where they can easily be found in shops. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the service to friends!”

new career capsule wardrobe

“Helene approaches choosing an outfit like a painter with a pallet. She is creating a work of art and every detail is tackled with precision and a passion that is truly infectious.

She knows exactly what style of garment will flatter which kind of body shape, and she has a great eye for colour and texture of fabric, as well as how it sits on the body and how it moves. 

Helene helped me choose a fantastic dress for my wedding, suggested fabulous ways to enhance the overall look and I could tell that she enjoyed the experience just as much as I did.

What a change to my shopping trips beforehand which left me feeling stressed and clueless!”

Bridal personal shopping

“When asked, as Helene did, about my attitude to my style and my wardrobe – the words that first came to mind, to borrow the Talking Heads, were ‘How did I get here?’. It’s not something I’ve ever had to think about. And when I did, I realised that over the years, I’d just lost my way. My sartorial mojo had deserted me, as had my confidence. I’m still dressing as I did when I was 30. 

Thanks to Helene, I’ve been given a fashion reboot and I am eternally grateful for it. Together we embarked on refreshing my wardrobe. She came over and had a look at what I had and what I generally wore….and most interestingly to me, why I didn’t wear certain things. For the first time in my life I realised that I just don’t like wearing black bottoms. I’m not joking when I say learning this was like an epiphany, because not only did it make me realise why I avoided certain items and why not to buy them in the future, but also it opens a world of other choices I could make.

Helene created a mood board of new styles I could try and that would suit me, to update my look, and she helpfully also introduced me to a couple of new brands and shops I might like, to find a few new pieces that would help me make the most out of my wardrobe.

I can honestly say that she’s made me understand my style, what I like to look like, helped me update my look and inject a bit of fun back into the art of dressing every day. “

wardrobe detox & restyle


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